I tried to copy all files from some package into my WORKDIR in my Dockerfile
My Dockerfile look like this:
FROM python:3.8
WORKDIR /yahoo_finance_app
COPY requirements.txt /yahoo_finance_app/requirements.txt
COPY /manage_db/* /yahoo_finance_app/manage_db/
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY .. .
And I execute it with docker-compose which looks like this:
version: "3.8"
build: ./api-yahoo-finance/yahoo
- "5000:5000"
container_name: api_yahoo_finance
command: python manage.py runserver
The file tree looks like this:
├── api_yahoo_finance
├── yahoo
├── Dockerfile
├── manage_db
I try to copy all the files from manage_db into my WORKDIR in my Dockerfile, but I got the following error:
[5/7] COPY /manage_db/* /yahoo_finance_app/manage_db/:
lstat /var/lib/docker/tmp/buildkit-mount563896323/manage_db: no such file or directory ERROR: Service 'py-api-yahoo-finance' failed to build : Build failed
And I take the relative path, so the folder is existing.
Thanks to all the helpers.
Dockerfiles are built in a variety of environments.
As a security and practical requirement Dockerfile commands can only access files that are in the context directory, either directly or in one of its children.
To keep Dockerfiles many levels deep, you can do this:
context: .
file: ./api-yahoo-finance/yahoo/Dockerfile
and then all paths in the Dockerfile will be relative to the project root where the compose.yml is.