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DiagrammeR - add number formatting and sublabels to node

I wish to add labels to my nodes, a main label with font size X and a sublabel with font size X * 0.5. My sublabel needs to have number formatting where 87650 is displayed as 87,650.

Is this possible in DiagrammeR?

My numerical sublabel data comes from a data frame.

  digraph test {
    graph []

    node [shape = box]
    A [label = '@@1']
    B [label = 'BarFoo']

    A -> B
  [1]: paste0('Main Heading \\n', sum(iris$Sepal.Length)*100)


  • I'd use format() to process the number first, and then call the result later.

    Please run the example code below:

    mysum <- sum(iris$Sepal.Length)*100
    input <- format(mysum, big.mark = ",")
      digraph test {  
        graph []  
        node [shape = box]  
        A [label = '@@1']  
        B [label = 'BarFoo']  
        A -> B  
      [1]: paste0('Main Heading \\n', input) 

    You should be able to see a similar outcome like this