I have a CentOS 7 machine with Ubuntu 18.04 trying to collect hotspots for a particular application and getting error. How to fix this error.
$ /opt/intel/oneapi/vtune/2022.1.0/bin64/vtune -collect hotspots -knob sampling-mode=hw -knob sampling-interval=1 -knob enable-stack-collection=true -knob stack-size=0 -mrte-mode=native -target-duration-type=veryshort -data-limit=10000 -cpu-mask=3 -finalization-mode=full -app-working-dir /local/home/vsolontsov/itto.run --app-working-dir=/local/home/vsolontsov/itto.run -- /usr/local/bin/pin -c 3 -e ./run_feed.sh
vtune: Warning: The Duration Time Estimate option is deprecated. Use the CPU Sampling Interval option on the Analysis Type configuration pane instead.
vtune: Collection failed.
vtune: Internal Error
After I tried the vtune-self-checker in two modes, with and without vtsspp installed.
HW event-based analysis check (Intel driver)
Example of analysis types: Microarchitecture Exploration
Collection: Ok
Finalization: Ok...
Report: Fail
vtune: Error: 0x40000024 (No data) -- No data is collected.
Possible reasons:
- Workload is too small. No samples are collected.
- The application environment is not specified correctly.
- The executable file has been stripped so cannot be profiled with algorithm analysis types.
We tried from our side and It's working fine from our side on centos 8. As centos 7 is deprecated in the release, Intel® one API 2022.1, and will be removed in a future release. In place of centos 7 can you please use other environments then It'll work for you.
Please refer to the below link:
Another Workaround: Since your OS is deprecated for the VTune 2022.1 version, we don't have other option. You can try downgrading your Vtune version or you can try on a different OS .