When I try to deploy my Bicep template through a DevOps release pipeline I get the following error:
Deployment failed with multiple errors: 'Authorization failed for template resource '1525ed81-ad25-486e-99a3-124abd455499' of type 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions'. The client '378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' with object id '378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' does not have permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write' at scope '/subscriptions/8449f684-37c6-482b-8b1a-576b999c77ef/resourceGroups/rgabpddt/providers/Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/1525ed81-ad25-486e-99a3-124abd455499'.:Authorization failed for template resource '31c1daec-7d4a-4255-8528-169fc45fc14d' of type 'Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments'.
I understand through this post that I have to grant "something" the Owner
or User Access Administrator
But I don't understand what user has the ObjectId 378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45
I tried to look it up with the following az
CLI command, but it says that it cannot find a resource with that Id:
az ad user show --id 378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45
The response it returns:
Resource '378da07a-d663-4d11-93d0-9c383eadcf45' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present.
I'm a but clueless here. What do I exactly have to grant permission?
When you use service connection in DevOps pipeline, for example Azure Resource Manager service connection, it will create a service principal(app registry) on Azure portal-> Active Directory
. You can find the service principal by clicking the link on service connection:
When you deploy with service connection, please make sure you have give correct permission for this service principal on target resource, like mentioned Microsoft.Authorization/roleDefinitions/write
. Suggest to give contributor role on the resource. Otherwise it will reports the error in your pipeline log.
When you add the role, you will find the object id
, it's different
with service principal application ID
or object id
It's azure role not Azure AD role. You can find the difference in the doc.