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Algorithm to create a singly linked list

I have an algorithm that should create a singly linked list from a textbook. It barely touched on any examples, so I would need some help figuring it out (still new to C.)

Essentially, the algorithm runs as follows:

Algorithm: CREATE (HEAD, ITEM)
1. [Create NEW node]
a) Allocate memory for NEW node.
b) IF NEW = NULL then Print: “Memory not Available” and Return
2. [Whether List is empty, head is the content of HEADER]
If HEAD = NULL then Set HEAD = NEW
3. Else
a) Set Temp = HEAD
b) While Temp→LINK ≠ NULL do
Set Temp = Temp→LINK
[End of while]
c) Set Temp→LINK = NEW
[End of IF]
4. Return

Here is what I have tried so far, but I could not understand the arrow mappings in the algorithm. Are these existing C features?

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct node {
    int DATA;
    struct node * LINK;
} node_t;

node_t *create(int head, int item){
    node_t* new =  NULL;
    new = (node_t *)malloc(5*sizeof(node_t));
    if(new == NULL){
        prtinf("Memory not available");
        return -1;


  • The arrow operator (->) in the algorithm is used to access a member of a struct using a pointer to that struct. It is equivalent to using the dot operator (.) to access a member of a struct, but with the added step of dereferencing the pointer to the struct. For example, if p is a pointer to a struct node, then p->DATA is equivalent to (*p).DATA.

    In your code, you are using the node_t typedef to define the struct node type. This means that you can use node_t * to refer to a pointer to a struct node, and you can use node_t->DATA to access the DATA member of a struct node pointed to by node_t.

    It looks like you are trying to implement the first step of the algorithm, which is to allocate memory for the new node and store the ITEM value in the DATA member of the node. You are using malloc to allocate memory for the new node, but you need to initialize the DATA member and the LINK member of the node. You can do this by using the arrow operator to access the members of the node:

    node_t *create(int head, int item){
        node_t* new =  NULL;
        new = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
        if(new == NULL){
            printf("Memory not available");
            return -1;
        new->DATA = item;  // Set the DATA member of the new node
        new->LINK = NULL;  // Set the LINK member of the new node to NULL

    You also need to return the new node from the create function so that you can use it later in the algorithm.

    node_t *create(int head, int item){
        node_t* new =  NULL;
        new = (node_t *)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
        if(new == NULL){
            printf("Memory not available");
            return -1;
        new->DATA = item;  // Set the DATA member of the new node
        new->LINK = NULL;  // Set the LINK member of the new node to NULL
        return new;  // Return the new node

    You can then use the create function to create a new node and store it in a local variable in your main program. This will allow you to continue implementing the rest of the algorithm.

    int main() {
        int head = 0;  // The head of the linked list
        int item = 5;  // The data to store in the new node
        node_t *new_node = create(head, item);  // Create a new node
        // Continue implementing the rest of the algorithm...
        return 0;