Can someone help with setting up Heroicons in combination with Nuxt 3?
I ran the following command:
yarn add @heroicons/vue
I also added @heroicons/vue as following to my nuxt.config.js
build: {
transpile: ["@headlessui/vue", "@heroicons/vue"],
postcss: {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
But I can't seem to make it work at all.
Could you tell me what I have to do?
first you should ,install tailwind package:
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
then generate tailwind cona fig file:
npx tailwindcss init
Add Tailwind to your PostCSS configuration
export default defineNuxtConfig({
postcss: {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
then inside your tailwind.config.js
Configure your template paths:
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
! if you set srcDir
correct the paths
then add the Tailwind directives to your CSS:
add main.css
file to your assets with this content:
Add main.css
the CSS file globally
main.css file:
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
css: ['~/assets/css/main.css'],
finally you can use tailwind.
final nuxt.config.js
file :
export default defineNuxtConfig({
css: ["@/assets/styles/main.scss"],
postcss: {
plugins: {
"postcss-import": {},
"tailwindcss/nesting": {},
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
First, you should install Heroicons package:
npm install @heroicons/vue
then you can use it like this:
<BeakerIcon class="h-6 w-6 text-blue-500" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { BeakerIcon } from "@heroicons/vue/24/solid";
The 24x24 outline icons can be imported from @heroicons/vue/24/outline, the 24x24 solid icons can be imported from @heroicons/vue/24/solid, and the 20x20 solid icons can be imported from @heroicons/vue/20/solid.
learn more here:
but try nuxt-icon
library :)