Search code examples

TypeORM Sort by subset of one to many relation

I have the following structure representing rows of a user created table with dynamic columns:

class Row {
  id: number;

  @OneToMany(() => RowValue, (item) => item.row)
  rowValues: RowValue[];

And the row values:

export class RowValue {
  id: number;

  key: string;

  value: string;

  @ManyToOne(() => Row, (row) => row.rowValues)
  row: Row;

Now I would like to allow my users to sort the Row list by a specific row value.

I know that the order option supports nesting. But since in my case it is a subset of the relation I am not sure how to implement it, even with the query builder.

enter image description here


  • I implemented this using the query builder with a subquery statement:

    const sortBy = 'SomeColumn';
    const sortDirection = 'DESC';
    const limit = 10;
    const offset = 0;
    const repository = this.connection.getRepository(Row);
    const sortByQuery = repository
          .innerJoinAndSelect('sorted_results.rowValues', 'rowValues')
          .where('rowValues.key = :columnName', { columnName: sortColumn })
          .orderBy('rowValues.value', sortDirection)
    const query = repository
          .innerJoinAndSelect('row.rowValues', 'rowValues')
            'sorted_results.sorted_results_id ='
          .orderBy('sorted_results.rowValues_value', sortDirection)
    const results = await query.getMany();