I'm talking about this problem: https://bugs.python.org/issue36820.
Small summary:
Saving an exception causes a cyclic reference, because the exception's data include a traceback containing the stack frame with the variable where the exception was saved.
except Exception as e:
ee = e
The code is not broken, beacuse Python will eventually free the memory with its garbage collector. But the whole sitation can be avoided:
except Exception as e:
ee = e
ee = None
In the linked bpo-36820 there is a demonstration with a weak reference kept alive.
My question is if there exist a test that does not need to edit the function itself. Something like
Can the gc
module do that?
Yes, using the gc
module, we can check whether there are (new) exceptions that are only referred to by a traceback frame.
In practice, iterating gc
objects creates an additional referrer (can't use WeakSet
as built-in exceptions don't support weakref), so we check that there are two referrers — the frame and the additional referrer.
def get_exception_ids_with_reference_cycle(exclude_ids=None):
import gc
import types
exclude_ids = () if exclude_ids is None else exclude_ids
exceptions = [
o for o in gc.get_objects(generation=0)
if isinstance(o, Exception) and id(o) not in exclude_ids
exception_ids = [
id(e) for e in exceptions
if len(gc.get_referrers(e)) == 2 and all(
isinstance(r, types.FrameType) or r is exceptions
for r in gc.get_referrers(e)
return exception_ids
exception_ids = get_exception_ids_with_reference_cycle()
Alternative usage:
def make_helper():
exception_ids = get_exception_ids_with_reference_cycle()
yield lambda: bool(get_exception_ids_with_reference_cycle(exclude_ids=exception_ids))
with make_helper() as get_true_if_reference_cycle_was_created: