I'm working on password manager and had structure like that:
def popUp(text):
answer = simpledialocusg.askstring("input string", text)
return answer
And it works perfectly, but I want to make popouts looks better with Custom Tkinter. When I made
def popUp(text):
answer = customtkinter.CTkInputDialog("input string", text)
return answer
I got an error:
AttributeError: 'CTkInputDialog' object has no attribute 'encode'
Expect popouts works correctly
You should check the wiki page before opening a question here.
The syntax should be like this:
def getInput():
answer = customtkinter.CTkInputDialog(text = "input string")
root = customtkinter.CTk()
button = customtkinter.CTkButton(root, command=getInput)
button.pack(pady=30, padx=20)