When exception occurred there is stack trace this kind:
2 CoreFoundation 0x013bd1cc -[__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:] + 236
3 –ò–°–≠–î 0x0000ac76 -[ContentButton handleGesture:] + 326
4 UIKit 0x00de24f2 -[UIGestureRecognizer _updateGestureWithEvent:] + 730
I see that exception occurred when I try to get objectAtIndex:
in NSArray in my custom class ContentButton
in handleGesture:
But what does this numbers after message mean (like +236)?
In java stack trace that mean line number where exception occurred (as I know). but message [__NSArrayI objectAtIndex:]
sent in line 47 (not 236).
Thanks a lot.
There's a great video from WWDC 2010 on understanding crash reports.
You can find it here (login to Apple Developer required)