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How to avoid Segmentation fault in pycocotools during decoding of RLE

Here is a sample of decoding corrupted RLE:

from pycocotools import mask  # pycocotools version is 2.0.2
mask.decode({'size': [1024, 1024], 'counts': "OeSOk0[l0VOaSOn0kh0cNmYO'"})

As result it fails with Segmentation fault (core dumped)
It looks like this:

Python 3.6.15 (default) 
[GCC 9.4.0] on linux
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>>> from pycocotools import mask
>>> mask.decode({'size': [1024, 1024], 'counts': "OeSOk0[l0VOaSOn0kh0cNmYO'"})
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


  1. Is the way to validate RLE(Run-length encoding) before putting it in into mask.decode?
  2. (I think it's not possible, but still) Is the way to handle signal.SIGSEGV and continue executing of code?


  • This issue is solved by updating pycocotools to version 2.0.5