I don't know how to use .kv file so i just want to summary example. For example let we have 2 folders.
These folders: src and design.
src folder contain: main.py
design folder contain: main.kv
I want to know just simple example in this situation. How can i access from main.py file to main.kv file. I researched but i didn't understand very well. Please just give me a simple example.
you can use the Builder object to load all of the .kv files you want.
# useful for creating paths from multiple parts
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from kivy.lang import Builder
# load_file can be called multiple times
Builder.load_file(str(PurePath("c:/", "users", "public", "my_lib.kv")))
Builder.load_file(str(PurePath("c:/", "users", "public", "my_wigdet.kv")))
I don't know the reason but in at least one of my apps, I had to load the one .kv file for the main app in a different way.
main_gui_app = App() # substitute your own app creation..
main_gui_app.kv_file = str(Path(*your_path, "main_app.kv"))