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IF ELSE in robot framework [Keyword as a condition]

I just can't figure out how to map a keyword as a condition.

    @keyword("Is the Closed Message Page Present")
    def check_closedMsg_page(self):
        result = self.CLOSED_TEXT.is_displayed
        self.LOG(f"It returns {self.CLOSED_TEXT.is_displayed}")
        return result

The above function returns a bool value either True or False.

"Is the Closed Message Page Present" is a keyword which I want to make condition. If the condition is true then it should execute the below two keywords else skip it.

    IF  Is the Closed Message Page Present = True
        Then Login      username        password
        And Close Browsers

I tried following:

IF  Is the Closed Message Page Present == 'True'
        Then Login      username        password
        And Close Browsers
IF  'Is the Closed Message Page Present' == 'True'
        Then Login      username        password
        And Close Browsers
Is the Closed Message Page Present
IF  True
        Then Login      username        password
        And Close Browsers

I am expecting the keyword (Is the Closed Message Page Present) to be condition which needs to be true to execute the other two statements or keywords.


  • I'm still new to the framework, but the only simple method I found is to store the keyword return value to a local variable and use that in the IF statement.

    *** Settings ***
    Library  SeleniumLibrary
    Library  ../
    *** Test Cases ***
    robot Example
      ${value}  Is the Closed Message Page Present
      IF  ${value}
            Login      username        password
            Close Browser
    *** Keywords ***
      [Arguments]    ${username}  ${password} 
      log  'Logs in to system'
 returns a random True/False value

    import random
    from robot.api.deco import keyword
    class stackoverflow:
        @keyword("Is the Closed Message Page Present")
        def check_closedMsg_page(self):
            return random.choice([True, False])

    There is an exhaustive list of conditional expressions that you could further use at