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Artifacts not uploaded on Sentry on Vercel build

As I am using a private Gitlab server, this is the way I am deploying my app using vercel cli

    --token $VERCEL_TOKEN \
    --regions fra1 )

vercel alias set $DEPLOYMENT_URL $APPLICATION_URL -t $VERCEL_TOKEN --scope ajouve

When I am running a npm run build in my local environment or in my gitlab-ci pipeline with the variables SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN set I have my artifacts uploaded on sentry

I expect the artifacts to be uploaded with Vercel

See the attached screenshot, the 0 are the deploys from vercel and the 166 from local or gitlab ci

enter image description here


  • I had a similar issue with Nextjs, Vercel and Sentry.

    Creating a PR on Github triggered a new Vercel deployment and I expected the Sentry-Vercel integration to upload the sourcemaps to Sentry, which didn't work. It created a new release in Sentry but the artifacts were zero (same as shown in your screen shot)

    I tried running yarn build locally which did work (created a release and added the artifacts).

    But, it seems that this is actually the expected behaviour as described here:

    In general, sourcemaps shouldn't be uploaded to Sentry for anything but prod deployments...

    Setting disableClientWebpackPlugin or disableServerWebpackPlugin to false fixed it for me.

    Content of my next.config.js file:

    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
    const { withSentryConfig } = require("@sentry/nextjs");
    /** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
    const nextConfig = {
      experimental: {
        appDir: true,
        serverComponentsExternalPackages: ["@prisma/client"],
      eslint: {
        dirs: ["."],
    const moduleExports = {
      sentry: {
        hideSourceMaps: true,
        disableServerWebpackPlugin: false,
        disableClientWebpackPlugin: false,
    const sentryWebpackPluginOptions = {
      silent: true,
    module.exports = withSentryConfig(moduleExports, sentryWebpackPluginOptions);

    Hope that helps!