I have a nx monorepo project with react frontend component. I have started writing the components in jsx format, then changed to typescript by adding types where needed and changing filenames to .tsx.
In my .tsx files I have some code in classes and some in javascript functions. The code that is in classes is throwing a strange error on compilation: Errors
Here is my code:
class App extends React.Component<unknown, AppState> {
static contextType = UserContext;
context!: React.ContextType<typeof UserContext>;
constructor(props: unknown) {
this.state = ({
sidebarOpen: false,
currPage: 'Players',
this.navbarClick = this.navbarClick.bind(this);
this.openSidebar = this.openSidebar.bind(this);
this.closeSidebar = this.closeSidebar.bind(this);
this.setSidebarOpen = this.setSidebarOpen.bind(this);
this.setCurrPage = this.setCurrPage.bind(this);
setSidebarOpen(param: boolean) {
sidebarOpen: param,
setCurrPage(param: string) {
currPage: param,
navbarClick(choice: string) {
openSidebar() {
closeSidebar() {
/* The Application first checks for a valid token, if doesn't exist, display the login component until token is valid.
The Application renders 3 windows to screen: sidebar, navbar and main window. There is a state param currPage
which is updated from Navbar and responsible to re-render the Main component with the appropriate page
public render() {
const { token, setToken, username } = this.context!;
if (!token) {
return <Login />;
return (
<div className="container-fluid">
<div className="sidebar">
<Sidebar sidebarOpen={this.state.sidebarOpen} closeSidebar={this.closeSidebar} username={username} clickFunc={this.navbarClick} setToken={setToken}/>
<div className="content">
<div className="navbar">
<Navbar sidebarOpen={this.state.sidebarOpen} openSidebar={this.openSidebar}/>
<div className="main">
<Main username={username} page={this.state.currPage}/>
export default App;
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import './index.css'
import App from './App'
import { UserContextProvider } from './store/user-context';
<App />
import React, { createContext, useContext, useState } from 'react';
export interface UserContextIntf {
role: string,
setRole(role: string): void,
token: string,
setToken(token: string): void,
username: string,
setUsername(username: string): void
const UserContext = createContext<UserContextIntf>({
role: "",
setRole: (role: string) => {},
token: "",
setToken: (role: string) => {},
username: "",
setUsername: (role: string) => {},
export function UserContextProvider(props: any) {
const [role, setRole] = useState<string>("");
const [token, setToken] = useState<string>("");
const [username, setUsername] = useState<string>("");
const context: UserContextIntf = {
role, setRole,
token, setToken,
username, setUsername
return <UserContext.Provider value={context}> {props.children} </UserContext.Provider>;
export default UserContext;
I also had this problem. it's a NX bug about a line in package.json:
"noImplicitOverride": true,
got to your package.json and delete this line or assign it false :
"noImplicitOverride": false,