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How to build release Flutter project using Android Studio

I cannot build my project using Android Studio. I create project using console, then edit at VSCode. Now I open it at Android Studio and I cannot build release. Why this command Build bundles (green arrow) is not available? enter image description here


  • Flutter project consist of subprojects:

    • /MyProject
      • /iOS - (iOS subproject)
      • /android - (android subproject)

    When I open project "MyProject" I see: enter image description here

    But when I open android submodule/subproject "MyProject/android" I see another options under "Build":

    enter image description here

    So solution is: If You want build Android package for Google Play store, You must open in IDE Android submodule, for example solder /MyProject/android

    Case with Xcode, iOS and AppStore package looks similar - it is important to open iOS submodule, not whole MyProject.