I have two dataframes:
df1 =
C0 C1. C2.
4 AB. 1. 2
5 AC. 7 8
6 AD. 9. 9
7 AE. 2. 6
8 AG 8. 9
df2 =
C0 C1. C2
8 AB 0. 1
9 AE. 6. 3
10 AD. 1. 2
I want to apply a subtraction between these two dataframes, such that when the value of the columns C0 is the same - I will get the subsraction, and when is not - a bool column will have the value False. notice that current indeics are not aligned. So new df1 should be:
df1 =
C0 C1. C2. diff_C1 match
4 AB. 1. 2. 1. True
5 AC. 7 8. 0. False
6 AD. 9. 9. 8. True
7 AE. 2. 6. -4. True
8 AG 8. 9. 0 False
What is the best way to do it?
You can try merging the columns using pandas.DataFrame.merge on column C0 and how as left as shown below
df1.merge(df2, how='left', on='C0')
.assign(match=lambda x: x['C1_y'].notna())
then subtract the C1 columns i.e. C1_x and C1_y
df['C1_diff'] = df['C1_x'] - df['C1_y']