Is there a way to draw reversible shapes with SkiaSharp?
With reversible I mean outColor = srcColor XOR dstColor
, so when you draw over same color again, the original color is restored. Like in WinForms ControlPaint.DrawReversibleFrame or (old) Windows FocusRects.
I'm using SkiaSharp 2.88.0
You can use Exclusion blend mode when drawing, for example:
// draw some random image on canvas
var bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(@"random.jpg");
var info = new SKImageInfo(256, 256);
using var surf = SKSurface.Create(info);
var canvas = surf.Canvas;
canvas.DrawBitmap(bitmap, info.Rect);
// initialize paint with Exclusion blend mode
var paint = new SKPaint {
Color = SKColors.Yellow,
Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill,
BlendMode = SKBlendMode.Exclusion
// draw overlapping rectangles using the paint
canvas.DrawRect(10, 10, 50, 50, paint);
canvas.DrawRect(25, 25, 50, 50, paint);
Result image: