I have an input dataset (let's name it ds), a function that passes in to encoder (model named embedder
). I want to make a dataset of encodings and save it to file. What I tried to do:
Converter function:
def generate_embedding(image, label, embedder):
return (embedder(image)[0], label)
embedding_ds = ds.map(lambda image, label: generate_embedding(image, label, embedder), num_parallel_calls=tf.data.AUTOTUNE)
But I have a problem with embedding_ds
, it's not tf.data.Dataset
(which I expected), but tf.raw_ops.ParallelMapDataset
, which don't have save method. Can anybody give an advice?
Looks like this problem is present on my tensorflow version (2.9.2) and not present on 2.11
Maybe update? In 2.11.0, it works:
import tensorflow as tf
ds = tf.data.Dataset.range(5)
tf.__version__ # 2.11.0
ds = ds.map(lambda e : (e + 3) % 5, num_parallel_calls=3)
ds.save('test') # works