I am using pyopengl, tkinter, pyopengltk to draw a Rubik's cube and am going to implement a Rubik's cube recovery animation, now I have implemented to display a Rubik's cube in tkinter with this quiz. How to rotate slices of a Rubik's Cube in python PyOpenGL? But I can't implement the tesseract animation step by step now, how can I do it please? Now it can only keep repeating the same action
import tkinter as tk
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from pyopengltk import OpenGLFrame
vertices = (
(1, -1, -1), (1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, -1),
(1, -1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (-1, -1, 1), (-1, 1, 1)
edges = ((0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 7), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 7), (5, 1), (5, 4), (5, 7))
surfaces = ((0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 7, 6), (6, 7, 5, 4), (4, 5, 1, 0), (1, 5, 7, 2), (4, 0, 3, 6))
colors = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0.5, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1))
rot_cube_map = {'K_UP': (-1, 0), 'K_DOWN': (1, 0), 'K_LEFT': (0, -1), 'K_RIGHT': (0, 1)}
rot_slice_map = {
'K_1': (0, 0, 1), 'K_2': (0, 1, 1), 'K_3': (0, 2, 1), 'K_4': (1, 0, 1), 'K_5': (1, 1, 1),
'K_6': (1, 2, 1), 'K_7': (2, 0, 1), 'K_8': (2, 1, 1), 'K_9': (2, 2, 1),
'K_F1': (0, 0, -1), 'K_F2': (0, 1, -1), 'K_F3': (0, 2, -1), 'K_F4': (1, 0, -1), 'K_F5': (1, 1, -1),
'K_F6': (1, 2, -1), 'K_F7': (2, 0, -1), 'K_F8': (2, 1, -1), 'K_F9': (2, 2, -1),
class Cube():
def __init__(self, id, N, scale):
self.N = 3
self.scale = scale
self.init_i = [*id]
self.current_i = [*id] # 表示填充,一个变量值代替多个
self.rot = [[1 if i == j else 0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
def isAffected(self, axis, slice, dir):
return self.current_i[axis] == slice
def update(self, axis, slice, dir):
if not self.isAffected(axis, slice, dir):
i, j = (axis + 1) % 3, (axis + 2) % 3
for k in range(3):
self.rot[k][i], self.rot[k][j] = -self.rot[k][j] * dir, self.rot[k][i] * dir
self.current_i[i], self.current_i[j] = (
self.current_i[j] if dir < 0 else self.N - 1 - self.current_i[j],
self.current_i[i] if dir > 0 else self.N - 1 - self.current_i[i])
def transformMat(self):
scaleA = [[s * self.scale for s in a] for a in self.rot]
scaleT = [(p - (self.N - 1) / 2) * 2.1 * self.scale for p in self.current_i]
return [*scaleA[0], 0, *scaleA[1], 0, *scaleA[2], 0, *scaleT, 1]
def draw(self, col, surf, vert, animate, angle, axis, slice, dir):
if animate and self.isAffected(axis, slice, dir):
glRotatef(angle * dir, *[1 if i == axis else 0 for i in range(3)]) # 围着这个坐标点旋转
for i in range(len(surf)):
for j in surf[i]:
class mycube():
def __init__(self, N, scale):
self.N = N
cr = range(self.N)
self.cubes = [Cube((x, y, z), self.N, scale) for x in cr for y in cr for z in cr] # 创建27
def maindd(self):
for cube in self.cubes:
cube.draw(colors, surfaces, vertices, False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
def initgl(self):
self.rota = 0
self.count = 0
self.ang_x, self.ang_y, self.rot_cube = 0, 0, (0, 0)
self.animate1, self.animate_ang, self.animate_speed = False, 0, 0.5
self.action = (0, 0, 0)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # 背景黑色
# glViewport(400, 400, 200, 200) # 指定了视口的左下角位置
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # 开启深度测试,实现遮挡关系
glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL) # 设置深度测试函数(GL_LEQUAL只是选项之一)
glLoadIdentity() # 恢复原始坐标
gluPerspective(30, self.width / self.height, 0.1, 50.0)
def redraw(self):
self.N = 3
cr = range(self.N)
self.cubes = [Cube((x, y, z), self.N, 1.5) for x in cr for y in cr for z in cr]
self.animate, self.action = True, rot_slice_map['K_1']
self.ang_x += self.rot_cube[0] * 2
self.ang_y += self.rot_cube[1] * 2
glTranslatef(0, 0, -40)
glRotatef(self.ang_y, 0, 1, 0)
glRotatef(self.ang_x, 1, 0, 0)
if self.animate1:
if self.animate_ang >= 90:
for cube in self.cubes:
self.animate1, self.animate_ang = False, 0
for cube in self.cubes:
cube.draw(colors, surfaces, vertices, self.animate, self.animate_ang, *self.action)
if self.animate:
self.animate_ang += self.animate_speed
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.glframe = GLFrame(self, width=800, height=600)
self.glframe.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
# self.glframe.focus_displayof()
# self.glframe.animate = True
I do this by calling this statement twice
self.animate, self.action = True, rot_slice_map['K_1']
Expect it to be executed step by step, but it only executes the last sentence,There is very little information about pyopengltk on the internet, and I am still a newbie, so I would like to get help
You must implement the keyebord events similar as in the Pygame implementation decribed in the answer to How to rotate slices of a Rubik's Cube in python PyOpenGL?.
self.animate, self.action = True, rot_slice_map['K_1']
Change the key mapping to a mapping to be used with tkinter
rot_cube_map = {'Up': (-1, 0), 'Down': (1, 0), 'Left': (0, -1), 'Right': (0, 1)}
rot_slice_map = {
'1': (0, 0, 1), '2': (0, 1, 1), '3': (0, 2, 1), '4': (1, 0, 1), '5': (1, 1, 1),
'6': (1, 2, 1), '7': (2, 0, 1), '8': (2, 1, 1), '9': (2, 2, 1),
'F1': (0, 0, -1), 'F2': (0, 1, -1), 'F3': (0, 2, -1), 'F4': (1, 0, -1), 'F5': (1, 1, -1),
'F6': (1, 2, -1), 'F7': (2, 0, -1), 'F8': (2, 1, -1), 'F9': (2, 2, -1),
Create the 27 cubes in GLFrame.initgl
and set self.animate = True
. self.animate
is the fagae that controls the animation loop of the the OpenGLFrame
. Tha naimation of the Rubik's Cube is controled with animate1Cube
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
def initgl(self):
self.animate = True
# [...]
self.N = 3
cr = range(self.N)
self.cubes = [Cube((x, y, z), self.N, 1.5) for x in cr for y in cr for z in cr]
Add the callback methods for the keyboard event:
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
# [...]
def keydown(self, event):
if event.keysym in rot_slice_map:
self.animate1Cube, self.action = True, rot_slice_map[event.keysym]
if event.keysym in rot_cube_map:
self.rot_cube = rot_cube_map[event.keysym]
def keyup(self, event):
if event.keysym in rot_cube_map:
self.rot_cube = (0, 0)
Set the keyboard callbacks:
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.title('rubiks cube')
self.glframe = GLFrame(self, width=800, height=600)
self.bind("<KeyPress>", self.glframe.keydown)
self.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.glframe.keyup)
self.glframe.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
The animation of the Rubikc's Cube depends on animateCube
, but not on animate
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
# [...]
def redraw(self):
# [...]
if self.animate1Cube:
if self.animate_ang >= 90:
for cube in self.cubes:
self.animate1Cube, self.animate_ang = False, 0
for cube in self.cubes:
cube.draw(colors, surfaces, vertices, self.animate, self.animate_ang, *self.action)
if self.animate1Cube:
self.animate_ang += self.animate_speed
Complete and working example:
import tkinter as tk
from OpenGL.GL import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from pyopengltk import OpenGLFrame
vertices = (
(1, -1, -1), (1, 1, -1), (-1, 1, -1), (-1, -1, -1),
(1, -1, 1), (1, 1, 1), (-1, -1, 1), (-1, 1, 1)
edges = ((0, 1), (0, 3), (0, 4), (2, 1), (2, 3), (2, 7), (6, 3), (6, 4), (6, 7), (5, 1), (5, 4), (5, 7))
surfaces = ((0, 1, 2, 3), (3, 2, 7, 6), (6, 7, 5, 4), (4, 5, 1, 0), (1, 5, 7, 2), (4, 0, 3, 6))
colors = ((1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0.5, 0), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1))
rot_cube_map = {'Up': (-1, 0), 'Down': (1, 0), 'Left': (0, -1), 'Right': (0, 1)}
rot_slice_map = {
'1': (0, 0, 1), '2': (0, 1, 1), '3': (0, 2, 1), '4': (1, 0, 1), '5': (1, 1, 1),
'6': (1, 2, 1), '7': (2, 0, 1), '8': (2, 1, 1), '9': (2, 2, 1),
'F1': (0, 0, -1), 'F2': (0, 1, -1), 'F3': (0, 2, -1), 'F4': (1, 0, -1), 'F5': (1, 1, -1),
'F6': (1, 2, -1), 'F7': (2, 0, -1), 'F8': (2, 1, -1), 'F9': (2, 2, -1),
class Cube():
def __init__(self, id, N, scale):
self.N = 3
self.scale = scale
self.init_i = [*id]
self.current_i = [*id] # 表示填充,一个变量值代替多个
self.rot = [[1 if i == j else 0 for i in range(3)] for j in range(3)]
def isAffected(self, axis, slice, dir):
return self.current_i[axis] == slice
def update(self, axis, slice, dir):
if not self.isAffected(axis, slice, dir):
i, j = (axis + 1) % 3, (axis + 2) % 3
for k in range(3):
self.rot[k][i], self.rot[k][j] = -self.rot[k][j] * dir, self.rot[k][i] * dir
self.current_i[i], self.current_i[j] = (
self.current_i[j] if dir < 0 else self.N - 1 - self.current_i[j],
self.current_i[i] if dir > 0 else self.N - 1 - self.current_i[i])
def transformMat(self):
scaleA = [[s * self.scale for s in a] for a in self.rot]
scaleT = [(p - (self.N - 1) / 2) * 2.1 * self.scale for p in self.current_i]
return [*scaleA[0], 0, *scaleA[1], 0, *scaleA[2], 0, *scaleT, 1]
def draw(self, col, surf, vert, animate, angle, axis, slice, dir):
if animate and self.isAffected(axis, slice, dir):
glRotatef(angle * dir, *[1 if i == axis else 0 for i in range(3)]) # 围着这个坐标点旋转
for i in range(len(surf)):
for j in surf[i]:
class mycube():
def __init__(self, N, scale):
self.N = N
cr = range(self.N)
self.cubes = [Cube((x, y, z), self.N, scale) for x in cr for y in cr for z in cr] # 创建27
def maindd(self):
for cube in self.cubes:
cube.draw(colors, surfaces, vertices, False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
def initgl(self):
self.animate = True
self.rota = 0
self.count = 0
self.ang_x, self.ang_y, self.rot_cube = 0, 0, (0, 0)
self.animate1Cube, self.animate_ang, self.animate_speed = False, 0, 2
self.action = (0, 0, 0)
glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # 背景黑色
# glViewport(400, 400, 200, 200) # 指定了视口的左下角位置
glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) # 开启深度测试,实现遮挡关系
glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL) # 设置深度测试函数(GL_LEQUAL只是选项之一)
glLoadIdentity() # 恢复原始坐标
gluPerspective(30, self.width / self.height, 0.1, 50.0)
self.N = 3
cr = range(self.N)
self.cubes = [Cube((x, y, z), self.N, 1.5) for x in cr for y in cr for z in cr]
def keydown(self, event):
if event.keysym in rot_slice_map:
self.animate1Cube, self.action = True, rot_slice_map[event.keysym]
if event.keysym in rot_cube_map:
self.rot_cube = rot_cube_map[event.keysym]
def keyup(self, event):
if event.keysym in rot_cube_map:
self.rot_cube = (0, 0)
def redraw(self):
self.ang_x += self.rot_cube[0] * 2
self.ang_y += self.rot_cube[1] * 2
glTranslatef(0, 0, -40)
glRotatef(self.ang_y, 0, 1, 0)
glRotatef(self.ang_x, 1, 0, 0)
if self.animate1Cube:
if self.animate_ang >= 90:
for cube in self.cubes:
self.animate1Cube, self.animate_ang = False, 0
for cube in self.cubes:
cube.draw(colors, surfaces, vertices, self.animate, self.animate_ang, *self.action)
if self.animate1Cube:
self.animate_ang += self.animate_speed
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.title('rubiks cube')
self.glframe = GLFrame(self, width=800, height=600)
#self.bind("<Key>", self.glframe.key)
self.bind("<KeyPress>", self.glframe.keydown)
self.bind("<KeyRelease>", self.glframe.keyup)
self.glframe.pack(expand=True, fill=tk.BOTH)
# self.glframe.focus_displayof()
# self.animate = True
If you want to animate the cube automatically, you need to animate instead of keyboard events. Define a list of animationg. e.g.:
animation_list = ['1', '3', '5', 'F2']
Set self.action
from the list. e.g.:
class GLFrame(OpenGLFrame):
# [...]
def redraw(self):
if not self.animate1Cube and animation_list:
self.animate1Cube, self.action = True, rot_slice_map[animation_list[0]]
del animation_list[0]
# [...]