I have an enum for decoding points, polygons, and multipolygons from GeoJSON files using several nested Codable types. I can decode GeoJSON files without issue, but when I encode this data to store as binary data in Core Data, it can't be decoded again.
I'm getting typeMismatch when trying to decode.
Here's my enum:
enum GeoJSONFeatureGeometryCoordinates: Codable {
case point([Double])
case polygon([[[Double]]])
case multipolygon([[[[Double]]]])
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()
do {
let polygonVal = try container.decode([[[Double]]].self)
self = .polygon(polygonVal)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch {
do {
let multipolygonVal = try container.decode([[[[Double]]]].self)
self = .multipolygon(multipolygonVal)
} catch DecodingError.typeMismatch {
let pointVal = try container.decode([Double].self)
self = .point(pointVal)
And here's where I successfully encode it but throw an error when testing the decoding
do {
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let encodedCoordinates = try encoder.encode(centroid.geometry.coordinates)
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decodedCoordinates = try decoder.decode(GeoJSONFeatureGeometryCoordinates.self, from: encodedCoordinates)
} catch {
fatalError("\n\n Error archiving feature.geometry.coordinates as Data")
The decoding fails because you are encoding it in one format and decoding it in another format.
Since you did not provide an encode(to:)
implementation, an implementation is automatically generated by the Swift compiler. This implementation encodes your enum to a format like this:
"point": {
"_0": [] // the Double array goes here
Notice how the name of the enum case, as well as the names of the associated values are also recorded. This is different from the format that your init(from:)
implementation expects. Therefore decoding fails.
You can add an explicit implementation of encode(to:)
, so that it produces the format that init(from:)
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
switch self {
case .point(let arr):
try container.encode(arr)
case .polygon(let arr):
try container.encode(arr)
case .multipolygon(let arr):
try container.encode(arr)