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Create new column using custom function pandas df error

I want to create a new column which gives every row a category based on their value in one specific column. Here is the function:

def assign_category(df):
  if df['AvgVAA'] >= -4:
    return 'Elite'
  elif df['AvgVAA'] <= -4 and df['AvgVAA'] > -4.5:
    return 'Above Average'
  elif df['AvgVAA'] <= -4.5 and df['AvgVAA'] > -5:
    return 'Average'
  elif df['AvgVAA'] <= -5 and df['AvgVAA'] > -5.5:
    return 'Below Average'
  elif df['AvgVAA'] <= -5.5:
    return 'Mediocre'

I get this error message in the second line: ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

This is the code to create the new column:

df_upd['VAA Category'] = df_upd.apply(assign_category(df_upd), axis = 1)

I did some research on it, but the explanation did not help me because it was mainly about and operators, which are not used in that line.

I do not know why, but the error message did not come up when I first ran the code. But even at that time, the function did not work. Every row in that new column was filled with 'Unknown'.

Can someoen help me out here?


  • You're so close. Instead of:

    df_upd.apply(assign_category(df_upd), axis = 1)


    df_upd.apply(assign_category, axis = 1)

    In the updated approach, you are applying the function to df_upd (as intended), whereas in the original approach, you are essentially doing:

    x = assign_category(df)
    df.apply(x, axis = 1)

    The error comes when you try to calculate x since you need to apply along axis 1.