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`devtools::test()` works, but `devtools::check()` does not for `system.file` to locate file with `.yml` extension

I am trying to locate an external file with .yml extension for creating unit test with testthat while building a R package, the file is placed under \inst folder, as mentioned here Am using system.file() to load the file with yaml package for some unit test (not base::system.file(), so that pkgload:::shim_system.file() can intercept). The tests passes if I do devtools::test(), but it keeps throwing error when I run devtools::check().

However, interestingly after lots of trials I found out that devtools::check() does not throw any error if I save the file with .txt extension instead of .yaml/.yml.

##   inside test_that()
##   cf <- system.file("config", "config1.yml", package = "mypackage", mustWork = TRUE)

##   Error note after devtools::check()
Error in `system.file("config", "config1.yml", package = "mypackage", mustWork = TRUE)`: no file found
 1. \-base::system.file(...) test-set_config.R:34:2

[ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 15 ]

# -------------------------------------------------------------

## No error in devtools::check() when config1.yml is renamed as config1.txt !!

Anyone experienced the same? Am using latest version of devtools as on CRAN (v2.4.2), on R 4.1.1. If yes, is there any way to keep using .yaml/.yml, and not .txt?

I did accidentally keep [.]yml, [.]yaml in .Rbuildignore to ignore the continuous integration yaml files, have made them specifc instead of wildcards - and it is working now! Apologies for raising a false alarm, I was myself quite confused when I got this weird thing.


  • Figured out the problem, finally, the culprit was my .Rbuildignore - I accidentally kept [.]yml, [.]yaml in .Rbuildignore to ignore the continuous integration yaml files while building the package. I modified them and made them specific, instead of wildcards - and it is working now! Apologies for raising a false alarm; I was quite confused when I got this weird thing. Thanks, @jimhester, who responded on github devtools issues