I have the following dataset:
Letter ID Number
A A1 1
A A2 2
A A3 3
B B1 1
B B2 2
B B3 3
B B4 4
My aim is first to create all possible combinations of IDs within the same "Letter" group. For example, for the letter A, it would be only three combinations: A1-A2,A2-A3,and A1-A3. The same IDs ordered differently don't count as a new combination, so for example A1-A2 is the same as A2-A1.
Then, within those combinations, I want to add up the numbers from the "Number" column associated with those IDs. So for the combination A1-A2, which are associated with 1 and 2 in the "Number" column, this would result in the number 1+2=3.
Finally, I want to place the ID combinations, added numbers and original Letter in a new data frame. Something like this:
Letter Combination Add.Number
A A1-A2 3
A A2-A3 5
A A1-A3 4
B B1-B2 3
B B2-B3 5
B B3-B4 7
B B1-B3 4
B B2-B4 6
B B1-B4 5
How can I do this in R, ideally using the package dplyr?
letter <- c("A","A","A","B","B","B","B")
df <-
data.frame(letter) %>%
group_by(letter) %>%
number = row_number(),
id = paste0(letter,number)
df %>%
full_join(df,by = "letter") %>%
filter(number.x < number.y) %>%
combination = paste0(id.x,"-",id.y),
add_number = number.x + number.y) %>%
# A tibble: 9 x 3
# Groups: letter [2]
letter combination add_number
<chr> <chr> <int>
1 A A1-A2 3
2 A A1-A3 4
3 A A2-A3 5
4 B B1-B2 3
5 B B1-B3 4
6 B B1-B4 5
7 B B2-B3 5
8 B B2-B4 6
9 B B3-B4 7