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How to use Angular Module Federation to import an entire app

I'm fairly new to Ng Module Federation, but I think I have the gist of it. My issue is that most of the references I've seen either import a single component, or a module that is lazy-loaded in the router. I would like to include an entire mini-app in a page. The general idea is to have iFrame-like behavior without an iFrame.

I have the source app exposing the app.module.ts file and this seems to be working. However, I can't figure out the syntax to import this module and use it as a component within an existing component.

I tried adding loadRemoteModule({...}) to the imports of the module that has the component that will use the nested "app view". But this is an asynchronous function, for one and two, I don't know what to do next.

Does anyone know how to import a module and use its components?


  • I figured it out and will try to summarize here:

    • Set up the webpack for Module Federation for the Module you wish to expose "as normal". This is where you will get the exposed URL to use below. Reference here:,Start,-Federating

    • In the shell app (the one to consume the federated module):

      • create the "remotes:" section with a name for the remote module and the URL.
           remotes: {
    • Create the parent component that will house the MicroFE with something like this in the template:


      and similar code in the .ts file:

       async ngOnInit() {
        const appModule: NgModule = await loadRemoteModule(
         remoteEntry: '',
         remoteName: 'myMicroFE',
         exposedModule: './AppModule',
       const appModuleRef: NgModuleRef<any> = createNgModuleRef(
       const microFEComponent = this.vcref.createComponent(
      // Sample interaction with the component.
      this.renderer.listen('window', 'message', (event) => {
        if ( && {

    Obviously, names like MyMicroFE are here for readability, you'd use your own names.