I tried to normalize a probability distribution of the form $p_k := 2^{-k^2}$ for $k \in {1,\dots,n}$ for $n = 8$ in numpy/Python 3.8 along the following lines, using an equivalent of MATLAB's num2hex a la C++ / Python Equivalent of Matlab's num2hex. The sums of the normalized distributions differ in Python and MATLAB R2020a.
If $n < 8$, there is no discrepancy.
What is going on, and how can I force Python to produce the same result as MATLAB for $n > 7$? It's hard for me to tell which of these is IEEE 754 compliant (maybe both, with a discrepancy in grouping that affects a carry[?]) but I need the MATLAB behavior.
I note that there are still discrepancies in rounding between numpy and MATLAB per Differences between Matlab and Numpy and Python's `round` function (which I verified myself) but not sure this has any bearing.
import numpy as np
import struct # for MATLAB num2hex equivalent below
n = 8
unnormalizedPDF = np.array([2**-(k**2) for k in range(1,n+1)])
# MATLAB num2hex equivalent a la https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24790722/
num2hex = lambda x : hex(struct.unpack('!q', struct.pack('!d',x))[0])
hexPDF = [num2hex(unnormalizedPDF[k]/np.sum(unnormalizedPDF)) for k in range(0,n)]
# ['0x3fec5862805436a4',
# '0x3fbc5862805436a4',
# '0x3f6c5862805436a4',
# '0x3efc5862805436a4',
# '0x3e6c5862805436a4',
# '0x3dbc5862805436a4',
# '0x3cec5862805436a4',
# '0x3bfc5862805436a4']
hexPDFSum = num2hex(np.sum(unnormalizedPDF/np.sum(unnormalizedPDF)))
# 0x3ff0000000000000
Here is the equivalent in MATLAB:
n = 8;
unnormalizedPDF = 2.^-((1:n).^2);
% ans =
% 8×16 char array
% '3fec5862805436a4'
% '3fbc5862805436a4'
% '3f6c5862805436a4'
% '3efc5862805436a4'
% '3e6c5862805436a4'
% '3dbc5862805436a4'
% '3cec5862805436a4'
% '3bfc5862805436a4'
% ans =
% '3fefffffffffffff'
Note that the unnormalized distributions are exactly the same, but the sums of their normalizations differ by a single bit. If I use $n = 7$, everything agrees (both give 0x3fefffffffffffff), and both give the same results for $n < 7$ as well.
According to the manual, numpy.sum uses pairwise summation to get more precision. Another common algorithm is Kahan summation.
Anyway, I wouldn't count too much on Numpy and MATLAB giving the same result up to the last bit, as there might me operation reordering if computations are made in parallel. See this for the kind of problem that can arise.
However, we can cheat a little bit and force Python to do the sum without the extra precision:
hexPDFSum = num2hex(np.sum(np.hstack((np.reshape(unnormalizedPDF / np.sum(unnormalizedPDF), (n, 1)), np.zeros((n, 1)))), 0)[0])