Search code examples

Elastica get all results order by matched

I am newer with elastica and i would like to get all products but sorting by favorites,

in my mode : poductDocument, i added a collection field to store the ids of users how added this product to favorite :

    class poductDocument implements DocumentInterface

    private int $id;
    private string $label;
    private Collection $userIdsWhoAddedThisProductToFavorite;

    public function getId(): int
        return $this->id;

    public function setId(int $id): self
        $this->id = $id;

        return $this;

    public function getLabel(): string
        return $this->label;

    public function setLabel(string $label): self
        $this->label = $label;

        return $this;
    public function getUserIdsWhoAddedThisProductToFavorite(): Collection
        return $this->userIdsWhoAddedThisProductToFavorite;

    public function setUserIdsWhoAddedThisProductToFavorite(array $data): self
        $this->userIdsWhoAddedThisProductToFavorite = new ArrayCollection($data);

        return $this;

And my mapping :

  number_of_replicas: 0
  number_of_shards: 1
  refresh_interval: 60s
  dynamic: false
      type: integer
      type: keyword
          type: text
          analyzer: app_autocomplete
          search_analyzer: standard
          type: text
          analyzer: french
          fielddata: true
      type: integer

And in my custom filter i used Query term to find my favorite products

public function applySort(Query $query, Query\BoolQuery $boolQuery): void
   $termQuery = new Query\Term();
   $termQuery->setTerm('user_ids_who_added_this_product_to_favorite', $this->getUser()->getId());

This code is working but give me just the favorite products, what i would like to do is to get all my product sorted by favorite product for example if i have 4 products and i have product 1 and 2 as favorite my code give me :

product 1
product 2

and i'd like that the result be :

product 1
product 2
product 3
product 4

Any help please


  •         $termQuery = new Query\Term();
            $termQuery->setTerm('user_ids_who_added_this_product_to_favorite', $this->getUser()->getId());