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Where can I upload videos to link to from the 'src' attribute of a HTML5 <video> tag?

I've uploaded my video on Google Drive and Dropbox and tried to give the 'src' attribute the url copied from these platforms but the video doesn't show up. Seems like that url doesn't link up to very final video element but only to an upper level that the tag source attribute doesn't accept.

I'm asking as I don't have my local environment where to upload the video (don't ask me why) so I'd really need to upload it somewhere remote I can successfully link to from inside the tag. In alternative, if you know a way to make a video hosted on Google Drive and Dropbox to show up via tag, I'd be happy with that one too. Thank you!


  • Thank you, I've realised that gDrive or Dropbox are not made for the purpose I had in mind, so I guess I'll pay for a hosting platform or find some other solution. Thanks for the attention.