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What is a "Usage Error: --settings |--slot-settings" in the azure function CLI when setting the config?

I was able to create a function app successfully through the cli but when I go to publish/create the function code, I get the error in the title.

I will say I'm following this documentation to create a blob trigger function with prefect so that's why I have the two more config settings in my code -

az functionapp config appsettings set `
--name PrefectBlobTrigger `
--resource-group my_resource_group`
--settings "BlobConnectionString=my_blob_connection_str PREFECT_API_URL=my_prefect_api_url PREFECT_API_KEY=my_prefect_api_key "

Usage Error: --settings |--slot-settings

Is it an issue in the way i'm formatting the script?


  • You're spot on, it looks like just a formatting issue. Can you remove any back quotes and make everything into a single line?