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Cancel task in c#

I´m still learning to code, and I'm making a new project with MDI forms (C# and Visual Studio 2019). In mdichild, I launched a task, but if the form is unloaded, the task still remains. I would like to know how cancel the task, even on a cancel button click.

The code:

private async void BuscaActualizaciones()
    await Task.Run(() => DoLongThing());

private void DoLongThing()
    //some hard stuff

private void BtnBuscar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //In here i launch the task with hard stuff

This code works perfectly, but I need to cancel in some events, and I don't know how.

I tried some home-made tricks, and read on Google about task cancellation, but all of them used Task in other way that I don't understand. I'm still learning, and it is my first time with tasks.


  • As others have pointed out, the correct solution will use a CancellationToken. However, you don't want to pass it to Task.Run; you want to pass it to DoLongThing, as such:

    CancellationTokenSource cts = new ();
    private async void BuscaActualizaciones()
      await Task.Run(() => DoLongThing(cts.Token)); 
    private void DoLongThing(CancellationToken token)
    private void CancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

    Polling for cancellation (ThrowIfCancellationRequested) is common for CPU-bound methods that need to periodically check if they're canceled. I have a blog post that goes into more details on the subject.