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specific sumproduct list comprehension in pandas

suppose i have a dataframe

df = pd.DataFrame({"age" : [0, 5, 10, 15, 20], "income": [5, 13, 23, 18, 12]})

  age  income
0    0       5
1    5      13
2   10      23
3   15      18
4   20      12

i want to iterate through df["income"] and calculate the sumproduct as follows (example for age 15): 18+23*(15-10)+13*(15-5)+5*(15-0) = 338.

more generic: income[3] + income[2] * ( age[3] - age[2] ) + income[1] * ( age[3] - age[1] ) + income[0] * (age[3] - age[0] )

I am struggling to formulate the age relative to the current iteration of age ( age[x] - age[y] ) in a generic way to use in a list comprehension or formula.

edit: the actual operation I want to apply is

income[3 ] + income[2]* interest ** ( age[3] - age[2] ) + income[1]*interest ** (age[3] - age[1] ...

exampe from above: 18+23*1.03 ** (15-10)+13*1.03 ** (15-5)+5*1.03 **(15-0) = 69,92

interest = 1.03

ANSWERED thanks to jezrael & mozway


  • You can rewrite 18+(18+23+13+5)*15-(23+13+5)*(10+5+0) to be 18+(18+23+13+5)*15-(23+13+5)*(10+5+0):

    The general formula is thus:

    sumproduct(n) = (income
                    + (n-1)*sum(age[:n-1]*income[:n-1])
                    - sum(age[:n-1]*income[:n-1])

    As code:

    df['sumproduct'] = (df['income']


       age  income  sumproduct
    0    0       5           5
    1    5      13          38
    2   10      23         138
    3   15      18         338
    4   20      12         627


    powers are more complex as you cannot directly factorize, you can however rewrite the operation with expanding:

    df['sumproduct'] = (df['age'].expanding()
     .apply(lambda x: sum(df.loc[:x.index[-1], 'income'] * interest**(x.iloc[-1]-x)))


       age  income  sumproduct
    0    0       5    5.000000
    1    5      13   18.796370
    2   10      23   44.790145
    3   15      18   69.924054
    4   20      12   93.061143