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WSO2 APIM 4.1.0 installation issue - CARBON_HOME is set incorrectly or CARBON could not be located. Please set CARBON_HOME

I am trying to install WSO2 APIM 4.1.0 in Windows 11 Enterprise Edition.

  • Downloaded zip Achieve from wso2 site
  • JAVA_HOME already set as C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_291
  • Started WSO2 API-M by navigating to the C:\Development_Avecto\WSO2APImServer\ORG\org_wso2am\wso2am-4.1.0\bin and executed api-manager.bat --run

after executing above command below ERROR shown

CARBON_HOME is set incorrectly or CARBON could not be located. Please set CARBON_HOME.


Even after setting up CARBON_HOME in Environment Variable value as C:\Development_Avecto\WSO2APImServer\ORG\org_wso2am\wso2am-4.1.0 getting same ERROR.

Already checked this related question

Update: As per below suggestion, i have shorten directory of apim which is mentioned below and updated the same in Environment variable too.


Any help to resolve this installation issue?


  • These a few things you can try:

    1. Try to run the product from a shorter directory path and long directory pats have issues in Windows OS
    2. Check whether JAVA_HOME set properly
    3. Run the command prompt with Admin privileges

    Please try the above and share your feedback.