i'm just start to learn Django and during create a priject i get a problem: "django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting EMAIL_BACKEND..."
I met description fo this problem on Staciverflow but i don't understand in which file i should set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE???
Please, give me detail description
I tried set this environment variable in my virtualenv which i use for my project in "activate" file, but it did'nt help me.
Maybe my question is stupid but i really don't understand, sorry
settings.py file is where you set your project configuration file. one of them is the email backend server. i dont what you have in your project to raise this issue, but django has a built in server for testing perpose. Include this line on your settings.py file
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend'
This sends a message to console everytime u send an email from django app.