I have a website which displays text fine on Chrome.
I've opened it on two Macs with Safari. Text from project-link span comes up white colour. Invisible. Safari seems to count the link as click or activated.
<a class="project-link" href="https://www.patreon.com" target="_blank">3,000TWD for a hydroponic farm </a></span>
For project-link, I've just used standard link web-styling.
.project-link:hover {
color: #181;
.project-link:visited {
color: #114;
.project-link:active {
color: purple;
The visited and hover states may be automatically activated by Safari.
Do I need to use vendor prefixes?
Would CSS Reset or Normalize work for cross-browser compatibility?
The 'C' in css is 'cascade' - in other words the order of your declarations, and their specificity matters. You currently have
.project-link:hover {
color: #181;
.project-link:visited {
color: #114;
.project-link:active {
color: purple;
a {
color: #fefefe;
any tag attribute is more specific than a class tag