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DriverUrlNotFoundException: Driver url not found error?

i am using grails 4.0.10 and doing geb functional testing, so far it has been working great

today i got this message when running functional test

Execution failed for task ':configureChromeDriverBinary'.
> com.github.erdi.gradle.webdriver.repository.DriverUrlNotFoundException: Driver url not found for name: "chromedriver", version: "108.0.5359.71", platform: "windows", bit: "32"

i downloaded the latest chrome driver today from

and in build.gradle i have put

webdriverBinaries {
    chromedriver {
        version = '108.0.5359.71'
        architecture = 'X86'
    geckodriver '0.24.0'

why is it still saying driver url not found for that version?

i checked my chrome version and it is 108.0.5359.72 (Official Build) (64-bit)

the browser updated today to that version

is anyone else doing geb functional test and is anyone seeing this issue?

i appreciate any guidance.



  • As per WebDriver binaries Gradle plugin's documentation, by default the versions specified in webdriverBinaries configuration block are resolved to urls based on WebDriver Extensions Maven Plugin's package.json file. It looks like the file is behind at the moment with the latest version for chromedriver being 106.0.5249.61. I would suggest you create your own configuration file which lists an entry for 108.0.5359.71 and configure the plugin to use it as described in the documentation.