I am trying to filter my search on eBay. I can not neither with Select from dropdow nor click on the "Condition" button to see the choices. I am trying to select only the new ones in my search. I have also tried executing JavaScript and i did not any exception, however it did NOT click. Based on the locator i have got element not found or element not interactable errors. I have also tried to wait for a certain time. My code is below. Thanks in advance!!!
*** Settings ***
Documentation Basic Search Functionality
Library SeleniumLibrary
*** Variables ***
*** Test Cases ***
Verify basic search functionality for eBay
[Documentation] This test case verifies the basic search
[Tags] Functional
Start Testcase
Verify Search Results
Filter Results by Condition
Finish Testcase
*** Keywords ***
Start Testcase
Open Browser https://www.ebay.de chrome
Maximize Browser Window
Sleep 2s
Click Button id:gdpr-banner-accept
Verify Search Results
Input Text xpath://*[@id="gh-ac"] mobile
Press Keys //*[@id="gh-btn"] [Return]
Page Should Contain Ergebnisse für mobile
Filter Results by Condition
Click Element //*[@id="nid-h0w-16"]/button/span/span
Click Element //*[@id="nid-khs-17"]/div[2]/span[2]
# Execute Javascript $("#nid-h0w-16 > button").click()
# Execute Javascript $("#nid-h0w-15 > div:nth-child(2) > span.filter-menu-button__text").click()
# Sleep 5s
Finish Testcase
Close Browser
This is because the id you're using to access the element is a dynamic id. Everytime you refresh the page it will be different.
You'll need another way to locate the element thats not dynamic. You could try using a class or an xpath that searches for text within the button. Something like this to give you an idea:
Click Element xpath=//button/span/span[contains(text(), 'Beste Ergebnisse')]