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Prisma: update nested entities in a single query

I am using Prisma and Express.js to make requests to my MySQL database table.

I have one-to-many relationship between my Contest-Round tables and am trying to write a query which would allow me to differently update rounds for a given contest. Given the schema:

model Contest {
    id            Int      @id @default(autoincrement())
    name          String   @unique
    rounds        Round[]
    ... other fields

model Round {
    id        Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
    name      String
    contestId Int
    contest   Contest   @relation(fields: [contestId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
    ... other fields

What I want to achieve is to update the contest from

    id: 100,
    name: 'contest1',
    rounds: [
             id: 1,
             name: 'round1',
             contestId: 100,
             id: 2,
             name: 'round2',
             contestId: 100,

to for example

    id: 100,
    name: 'contest1',
    rounds: [
             id: 1,
             name: 'round1Updated',
             contestId: 100,
             id: 2,
             name: 'round2UpdatedDifferently',
             contestId: 100,

where the round names I get from the form value from HTML.

I haven't found any examples on updating different nested entities, so I'm expecting it to be something like this:

     var updated = await prisma.contest.update({
            where: {
                id: 100
            data: {
                rounds: {
                    update: {
                        where: {
                            id: { in: [1, 2] },
                        data: {
                            name: ['round1Updated', 'round2UpdatedDifferently']   
            include: {
                rounds: true,

Any ideas or clues would be appreciated.


  • So the initial requirements changed a bit and I only needed to add/remove rounds depending on the form data (not update as state in the question). I ended up with getting the contest first and then rounds that should be added/removed:

    // get the target contest first
    contes contest = await prisma.contest.findFirst({
      where: { id },
      select: {
        rounds: true,
    // newly created round on my form
    const roundsToBeCreated = // rounds that the existing contest doesn't have yet, but the form does
    // deleted rounds on my form
    const roundsToBeDeleted = // rounds that the existing contest has, but form data doesn't
    const updated = await prisma.contest.update({ where: { id },
            data: {
                rounds: {
                    deleteMany: {
                        id: {
                            in: =>
                    createMany: {
                        data: roundsToBeCreated

    For changing Rounds' fields I believe this query is not suitable, since I also have other entities that depend on Rounds. And for changing e.g the Round name only I would lose their recrords completely. So for that purpose I think I need a separate query for updating the Round entries.