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Zend Form MutliCheckbox Validate Number of Checked Items

I have a Zend Form with a MutliCheckbox element.

I would like to validate the number of checked items, i.e. verify that exactly 3 items are checked.

Can I do it with any current validates or do I have to write my own?



  • You will have to write your own, but that's quite simple. There is a second optional argument on the isValid() method that gives you access to all the form values, and enables this way to validate against multiple inputs.

    class MyValidator extends Zend_Validate_Abstract {
        public function isValid($value, $formData = null){
            //you can access to all the form values in the $formData, and check/count
            //the values of your multicheckbox
            //this is the super-quick way, but you could also add error messages
            return $isValid;

    and then add it to your element

    $myElement->addValidator( new MyValidator());