I need help with my Next.js project. I take the token in the cookie from the serverSideProps
of each page and bring the profile information. The appearance of the profile information means that the user is logged in. I am using this code on every page. that didn't feel right. How will I check if the profile information exists in every query? And when is a protected route I need to redirect the user to the login page.
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const token = await getToken(context);
if (token) {
const profile = await getProfile(token);
if (profile) {
return {
props: {
profile: profile.data.user,
//if user is not found redirect
return {
redirect: {
destination: "/",
permanent: false,
return {
props: {},
You can use middleware. in pages
directory, create _middleware.js
import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
// we are not exporting by default
export async function middleware(req, ev) {
const token = req ? req.cookies?.token : null;
const profile = await getProfile(token);
// if profile exists you want to continue. Also
// maybe user sends request for log-in, and if a user wants to login, obviously it has no token
const { pathname } = req.nextUrl;
if (
// whatever your api route for login is
pathname.includes("/api/login") || profile
) {
return NextResponse.next();
if (!profile && pathname !== "/login") {
// since you want to redirect the user to "/"
return NextResponse.redirect("/");