So in my flutter front end (WEB). I am using Image_picker and then image_cropper packages to obtain a file.
I know flutter web doesn't support Dart/io so instead you have to send your image in a mulitpart request FromBYtes. Normally for an ios/android flutter app you can use fromFile. Now I send that to my backend as bytes. however, my django rest framework view isnt able to save the image to my model.
here is the code and step by step:
final imagetoSendToAPIasbytes = await cropImageFile.readAsBytes();
List<int> imageaslistint = imagetoSendToAPIasbytes.cast();
final response = await uploadImage(imageaslist, profileid);
uploadimage function:
var profilepic = await http.MultipartFile.fromBytes(
"profilepic", imageaslistint);
http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();
var responseByteArray = await;
ofcourse this is not the full code. But I am able to send it to the back end. my django backend view to handle:
@api_view(['PATCH', ])
@parser_classes((MultiPartParser, FormParser, JSONParser))
def updateprofileprofilepic(request,):
user = request.user
except User.DoesNotExist:
return Response(status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)
if request.method == "PATCH":
profileobjid= json.loads(['profileid'])
profileobj = Profile.objects.get(creator = user, id = profileobjid)
profileobj.profilepic= json.loads(['profilepic'])
usualy (request.FILES['profilepic'])
allows me to save a file (from ios/android)
however thats when its sending as a mulitipart request.fromPATH.
So now (json.loads(['profilepic']))
im able to get the bytes? but How do I handle saving that into an IMAGE on my model. Thank you, any help would be appreciated
<QueryDict: {'profileid': ['"xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxe-xxxxxxx"'], 'profilepic': ['�PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x01........
do I have to convert the bytesarray back into an image in the backend?
so i figured it out. when making that call from Flutter WEB YOU MUST include: var profilepic = await http.MultipartFile.fromBytes( "profilepic", file, filename: 'hello.png');
The filename. this is needed for django restframework and multiformparser to be able to save it as image.