How can I make two arrays correspond with each other?
For instance, this the 1st-months array I generated,
[0] => Sep
[1] => Oct
[2] => Nov
[3] => Dec
[4] => Jan
[5] => Feb
[6] => Mar
[7] => Apr
[8] => May
[9] => Jun
[10] => Jul
[11] => Aug
And this is the 2nd-months array,
[0] => Sep
[1] => May
[2] => Apr
But I want the 2nd-months array to follow the same order as the 1st-months array, to return this as the result,
[0] => Sep
[1] => Apr
[2] => May
Is it possible?
The code that I use to generate the month arrays above,
# Set month array for the calendar and for the items.
$months_calender = array();
$months_items = array();
# Set variable for requested month/year.
$requested_year = set_variable($_REQUEST,'year');
$requested_month = set_variable($_REQUEST,'month');
# Set current month and curren year.
$current_month = (int)date('m');
$current_year = (int)date('Y');
# Loop the 12 month and starts from the current month.
for($x = $current_month; $x < $current_month+12; $x++) $months_calender[] = date('M', mktime(0, 0, 0, $x, 1));
//echo $current_year;
# Check if the requested by $_REQUEST does not exit then use the current month/year as the requested month/year.
$requested_year = $requested_year? $requested_year : $current_year;
$requested_month = $requested_month? $requested_month : date('m', mktime(0, 0, 0, $current_month, 1));
//echo $requested_month;
# Use the stored connection object from the class_page_controller.php, to process the query
$items_monthly = $connection->fetch_all($sql_items_monthly,array($requested_year));
$total_items_monthly = $connection->num_rows($sql_items_monthly,array($requested_year));
# Check if the total items is more than 0, then loop the result to make an 1-d array.
if($total_items_monthly > 0) foreach($items_monthly as $item_monthly) $months_items[] = $item_monthly['archiveMonth'];
the sql,
$sql_items_monthly = "
DATE_FORMAT(p.pg_backdate, '%b') AS archiveMonth,
FROM root_pages AS p
WHERE DATE_FORMAT(p.pg_backdate, '%Y') = ?
AND p.cat_id = '2'
AND p.parent_id = '6'
AND p.pg_hide != '1'
GROUP BY archiveMonth
ORDER BY p.pg_backdate DESC
It seems I can get the result by this,
$result = array_intersect($months_calender, $months_items);
[0] => Sep
[7] => Apr
[8] => May
Even though the keys
are not started from 0 to 2 but it does not matter. Unless you have a better solution.
A simple combination of array_intersect
and ksort
will do the trick:
$array2 = array_intersect($array1, $array2);
If for some reason you want to have consecutive integer keys after this, it's also easy to reindex the resulting array:
$array2 = array_values($array2);