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dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin macOS High sierra 10.13.6

  1. Command: "Brew install node" after install
  2. Command: "which node" -> output: "/usr/local/bin/node"
  3. Command: "node -v" -> output:
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/node (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

dyld: Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
  Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/node (which was built for Mac OS X 10.15)
  Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Hope help me as soon as possible. Thanks.

Try as above that is the problem.


  • Actually my problem with node version. The latest version 18 of Node is build for Mac OS X 10.15. My Mac version is 10.13. I downgrade Node 18 to 16. It's working fine.