I'm using swipl
but working the adventure tuorial from Amzi!. The syntax difference is causing me a headache. After setting up the facts, I have these statements
list_things(Place) :-
location(X, Place),
write(X), nl,
list_connections(Place) :-
connect(Place, X),
write(X), nl,
look :-
write('You are in the '), write(Place), nl,
write("You can go to: "), nl,
list_connections(Place), nl,
write('You can see: '), nl,
When I run look.
, it only outputs the first list from list_connections
. That is
?- look.
You are in the kitchen
You can go to:
dining room
Now, I understand the false
at the end of the function is terminating the look
, but I don't know the correct syntax in swipl
Now, I understand the false at the end of the function is terminating the look
The false at the end of list_connections(Place)
forces it to backtrack and retry, writing all the connected places as it does so. Once it has got through them all and failed for the last time, I think there is supposed to be another rule for it:
I see it here in Amzi! chapter 5:
That rule is a "succeed for anything" rule which will allow look
to carry on and then list_things can run. And there is a similar one for list_things.