I have studied about SoftwareComponentType
from the AUTOSAR SoftwareComponentTemplate
specification document and came to the ECUAbstractionSoftwareComponent
, since this type is one of the AtomicSoftwareComponent
I want to know where does this special type of software component placed. it will be designed and configured as an ASW software component or it will be placed inside the ECU abstraction layer from the BSW layers ??!.
Also, please give me a reference to a case study in which the use of ECUAbstractionSoftwareComponent
with Sensor/ActuatorSoftwareComponent
was presented.
The EcuHWAbSwComponent sits inbetween the SensorActuator component above the RTE and the MCAL (and maybe some other lower HwAbstraction drivers it might rely on), but within the HwAbstraction layer below the RTE. That's why the EcuHwAbSwComponent is rather a BSW with a BSWMD.
Look into the AUTOSAR_TPS_SoftwareComponentTemplate chapter 10.