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How do you calculate a satellite's position in GCRF from an RA/DEC measurement in Skyfield?

I have a measurement of the RA and Dec for an Earth orbiting satellite, as measured from a sensor on the Earth's surface. I'm trying to calculate the satellite's position vector in the GCRF reference frame (so a vector from the centre of the earth).

Since the object is in earth orbit, I can't assume that the RA/Dec is the same from the centre of the earth as it is from the surface. I therefore can't use this example:

I have tried the following code.

from skyfield.api import load, wgs84, utc
from skyfield.positionlib import position_of_radec
from skyfield.units import Distance
from datetime import datetime

ra = 90
dec = 5
sensorlat = -30
sensorlon = 150
sensoralt = 1000
range = 37000
timestring = "2022-11-18T00:00:00.0Z"
distance = Distance(km=range)

time = datetime.strptime(timestring,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ')
time = time.replace(tzinfo=utc)

ts = load.timescale()
t = ts.from_datetime(time)
eph = load('de421.bsp')
earth = eph['earth']

sensor = wgs84.latlon(sensorlat,sensorlon,sensoralt)
satellite = position_of_radec(ra/15,dec,,t=t,center=sensor)

It appears that the sensor is represented as a Geocentric vector, while the satellite position is represented by a Geometric vector, and I can't figure out how to combine the two into a geocentric vector for the satellite.

satellite_icrf = + satellite

# Gives the following exception:
# Exception has occurred: TypeError
# unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'Geocentric' and 'Geometric'

I also tried simply changing the centre of the satellite Geometric vector, but that didn't appear to change the vector in any way.

print( # Prints [2.25697530e-12 3.68592038e+04 3.22476248e+03] = earth

print( # Still prints [2.25697530e-12 3.68592038e+04 3.22476248e+03]

Can someone explain how to convert from this Geometric vector into a GCRF vector?


  • I think I've found a workaround. + satellite

    does not work, but it looks like:

    -( does work, and gives the required GCRF vector for the satellite.

    This seems a bit hacky though, surely there's a more 'correct' method. I won't mark this as the accepted answer just yet, but I will if no one else posts a better method.