I have a test class that has a mock decorator, and several tests. Each test receives the mock, because mock is defined on the class level. Great. Here's what it looks like:
@mock.patch("foo", bar)
class TestMyThing(TestCase):
def test_A(self):
assert something
def test_B(self):
assert something
def test_C(self):
assert something
def test_D(self):
assert something
I now want test_D
to get a have a different value mocked for foo
. I first try:
@mock.patch("foo", bar)
class TestMyThing(TestCase):
def test_A(self):
assert something
def test_B(self):
assert something
def test_C(self):
assert something
@mock.patch("foo", baz)
def test_D(self):
assert something
This doesn't work. Currently to get unittest to take the mock.patch
that decorates test_D
, I have to remove the mock.patch
that decorates the class. This means creating lots of DRY and doing the following:
class TestMyThing(TestCase):
@mock.patch("foo", bar)
def test_A(self):
assert something
@mock.patch("foo", bar)
def test_B(self):
assert something
@mock.patch("foo", bar)
def test_C(self):
assert something
@mock.patch("foo", baz)
def test_D(self):
assert something
This is non ideal due to DRY boilerplate, which makes it error prone and violates open-closed principle. Is there a better way to achieve the same logic?
Yes! You can leverage the setUp
methods of the unittest.TestCase
and the fact that unittest.mock.patch
in its "pure" form (i.e. not as context manager or decorator) returns a "patcher" object that has start
methods to control when exactly it should do its magic.
You can call on the patcher to start inside setUp
and to stop inside tearDown
and if you keep a reference to it in an attribute of your test case, you can easily stop it manually in selected test methods. Here is a full working example:
from unittest import TestCase
from unittest.mock import patch
class Foo:
def bar() -> int:
return 1
class TestMyThing(TestCase):
def setUp(self) -> None:
self.foo_bar_patcher = patch.object(Foo, "bar", return_value=42)
self.mock_foo_bar = self.foo_bar_patcher.start()
def tearDown(self) -> None:
def test_a(self):
self.assertEqual(42, Foo.bar())
def test_b(self):
self.assertEqual(42, Foo.bar())
def test_c(self):
self.assertEqual(42, Foo.bar())
def test_d(self):
self.assertEqual(1, Foo.bar())
This patching behavior is the same, regardless of the different variations like patch.object
(which I used here), patch.multiple
Note that for this example it is not necessary to keep a reference to the actual MagicMock
instance generated by the patcher in an attribute, like I did with mock_foo_bar
. I just usually do that because I often want to check something against the mock instance in my test methods.
It is worth mentioning that you can also use setUpClass
for this, but then you need to be careful with re-starting the patch, if you stop it because those methods are (as the name implies) only called once for each test case, whereas setUp
are called once before/after each test method.
PS: The default implementations of setUp
on TestCase
do nothing, but it is still good practice IMO to make a habit of calling the superclass' method, unless you deliberately want to omit that call.