I'm new at R and Stackoverflow, first hi, nice to met you all!
I've been trying for a while to fulfill some work but I can't, don't know if some of you could help me at this point anything is more than accepted. I tried but I keep getting nothing, for like 5h. I'm not that good at R looks like.
Thank you in advance!
This is the question:
I have to use this database
gap <- tibble(dslabs::gapminder)
and this filter
g <- gap %>%
filter(region %in% c("South America", "Central America", "Northern America", "caribbean", "Polynesia"))
Anything is welcome, really
If I understood correctly you just went to add a "s" after year
, if that's it, just use mutate()
gap %>%
filter(region %in% c("South America", "Central America", "Northern America", "caribbean", "Polynesia")) %>%
mutate(decade = paste0(year,"s"))
# A tibble: 1,482 x 10
country year infant_mortality life_expectancy fertility population gdp continent region decade
<fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <chr>
1 Argentina 1960 59.9 65.4 3.11 20619075 108322326649 Americas South America 1960s
2 Belize 1960 NA 60.1 6.5 92068 86532304 Americas Central America 1960s
3 Bolivia 1960 173. 43.8 6.7 3693451 3001815692 Americas South America 1960s
4 Brazil 1960 129. 55.3 6.21 72493585 105343379555 Americas South America 1960s
5 Canada 1960 27.8 71 3.91 17909232 167894860728 Americas Northern America 1960s
6 Chile 1960 128. 56.8 5.58 7695692 14087170195 Americas South America 1960s
7 Colombia 1960 89.3 58.0 6.81 16480384 19017657851 Americas South America 1960s
8 Costa Rica 1960 86.5 62.0 7.31 1333042 2398494445 Americas Central America 1960s
9 Ecuador 1960 121. 54.1 6.69 4545548 3641530019 Americas South America 1960s
10 El Salvador 1960 126. 52.0 6.73 2762897 4017741905 Americas Central America 1960s