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Can I use Tailwind's media query variants in PostCSS?

Tailwind provides responsive utility variants sm, md, lg, xl and 2xl, and you can define your own as well.

I can use them in class names:

<img class="w-16 md:w-32" src="...">

But can I also use them in PostCSS?

For example, I'm hoping to do something like this (the code doesn't actually work):

img {
  @apply w-16;

  /* I want this section to apply whenever the `md` media query applies. */
  md:& {
    @apply w-32;


  • Yes you can do it with @screen directive or screen() function

    img {
      @apply w-16;
      @screen md {
        @apply w-32;
    img {
      @apply w-16;
      @media screen(md) {
        @apply w-32;

    Sometimes Tailwind may yelling about not supported nested syntax (depends on your PostCSS config or Preprocessor like Less) so you may change code a little

    img {
      @apply w-16;
    @screen md {
     img {
       @apply w-32;

    Finally nothing stops you from using variants within @apply if you wish

    img {
      @apply w-16 md:w-32;