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Converting coordinates on google earth

I have coordinates on an excel sheet that are expressed as follows:

Latitude             Longitude
16,5037993382 -25,0139206899 
  • whole part are degrees,
  • first two decimals are minutes,
  • decimals 3 and 4 are seconds, the rest fraction of seconds.


16,5037993382          shall be read 16º50'3799''N
-25,0139206899          shall be read 025º01'3920''W

After I import the .csv to Google earth I have this: see image

The point should be located near the red cross.

I need to somehow be able to import this data to google earth, or a tool to convert it if possible.


  • Google Earth does not know how to decode the "16,5037993382" format for coordinates as you described above.

    Google Earth supports longitude and latitude as Degrees-Minutes-Seconds (DMS) in the following forms:

    1. Use a single quote for minutes and a double quote for seconds:
      Example: 49 7'20.06"

    2. Direction notation (North/South, East/West):
      Use N, S, E, or W to indicate direction.
      Example: N 37 24 23.3 or 37 24 23.3 N

    3. Use the minus sign (-) for western or southern positions: When you use this, do not specify a letter.
      Example: 37 25 19.07, -122 05 08.40
      Note: Don’t use a plus sign (+) for northerly/easterly directions.

    All 3 forms of the coordinate represented in DMS are depicted in this CSV example. If you change your CSV file to one of these formats then Google Earth Pro will correctly import it.

    "16 50'37.993382""N","25 01'39.206899""W"
    "N 16 50 37.993382","W 25 01 39.206899"
    "16 50 37.993382","-25 01 39.206899"