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converting pandas column data from list of tuples to dict of dicts

I am trying to convert the pandas dataframe column values from -

{'01AB': [("ABC", 5),("XYZ", 4),("LMN", 1)], '02AB_QTY': [("Other", 20),("not_Other", 150)]}

this is what i have tried till now, but not working

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame.from_records([{'01AB': [("ABC", 5),("XYZ", 4),("LMN", 1)], '02AB_QTY': [("Other", 20),("not_Other", 150)]}])
col_list = ["01AB", "02AB_QTY",]

# for col in col_list:
#     df[col] = df[col].apply(lambda x: {} if x is None else {key: {v[0]:v[1] for v in list_item} for key, list_item in x.items()})


expected output is like

{'01AB': {"ABC":5,"XYZ":4,"LMN":1}, '02AB_QTY': {"Other":20,"not_Other":150}}


  • We can use df.applymap(), with dict comprehension to convert each list to a dict, like this:

    df[col_list] = df[col_list].applymap(lambda lst: {k: v for k, v in lst})